1. [2000 - 2005] Ukhta state technical university (USTU). Geology-reconnaissance faculty.
Specialty: technologies of geophysical secret service. Direction: geophysical methods of research of oil and gas mining holes.
* Nominal grant holder (enterprise OC "UGE")
2. [2000 - 2006] Ukhta state technical university (USTU), extra-mural separation.
Faculty of economy. Specialty: economy and management on the enterprises of fuel and energy complex.
[30.06.2003 - 02.08.2003] OC "UGE" (first production practice).
[24.05.2004 - 26.06.2004] The branch of LTD is «Lukoil-Komi» is «Pechornipineft»
(Second production practice)
[10.04.2003 - 24.04.2003] Sosnogorsk GPF OC Severgazprom
(practice on technology of organization of production).
[01.10.2003 - 31.10.2003] Sosnogorsk GPF OC Severgazprom (production practice;)
[07.09.2005 - 04.01.2006] Sosnogorsk GPF OC Severgazprom (Second production practice).
[19.07.2005 - 16.10.2005] liability company limited "Tatneftegeophysical" joint-stock company "Tatnefte" city Usinsk.
Engineer-geophysicist of a 6 digit of complex party №1
[20.04.2006 - 21.06.2006] liability company limited "Vuktylgazgeofyzyka" joint-stock company "Gasprom-geophysics" of Ukhta.
Geophysicist 2th categories of geophysical party
[19.02.2007] branch of LTD is "VNIIGAS" "SeverNIPIGAS"
Другие навыки
* Knowledge of English
* Professional domain of the pC
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