Хостинг от uCoz

Sichinava David
Republic йНЛХ, town Ukhta,
street Sovetskai 18-26
http:// www.sdavidm.narod.ru
home tel..: 3-20-24
Mobile tel.: 89129483075
e-mail: divad@komifree.ru

Information about itself

Year and birth-place: 1983, Republic Komi, city Ukhta
Military ticket мч ╧8311871

  1. [2000 - 2005] Ukhta state technical university (USTU). Geology-reconnaissance faculty. Specialty: technologies of geophysical secret service. Direction: geophysical methods of research of oil and gas mining holes.

    Nominal grant holder (enterprise OC "UGE")

  2. [2000 - 2006] Ukhta state technical university (USTU), extra-mural separation. Faculty of economy. Specialty: economy and management on the enterprises of fuel and energy complex. Diploma with excellent (manager-economist).

Seasonal work. practice

[01.07.2002 - 30.08.2002]    PTUC Severgassviaz OC Severgazprom
[30.06.2003 - 02.08.2003]    OC "UGE" (first production practice).
[01.07.2003 - 30.08.2003]    PTUC Severgapsviaz нюн Severgazprom
[10.04.2003 - 24.04.2003]    Sosnogorsk GPF OC Severgazprom (practice on technology of organization of production).
[01.10.2003 - 31.10.2003]    Sosnogorsk GPF OC Severgazprom (production practice;)
[24.05.2004 - 26.06.2004]    The branch of LTD is ╚Lukoil-Komi╩ is ╚Pechornipineft╩ (Second production practice.
[01.07.2004 - 09.08.2004]    Repair √ restoration management╩. (RRM) OC Severgazprom
[07.09.2005 - 04.01.2006]    Sosnogorsk GPF OC Severgazprom (Second production practice).


[19.07.2005 - 16.10.2005]    liability company limited "Tatneftegeophysical" joint-stock company "Tatnefte" city Usinsk. Engineer-geophysicist of a 6 digit of complex party ╧1

[20.04.2006 - 21.06.2006]   liability company limited "Vuktylgazgeofyzyka" joint-stock company "Gasprom-geophysics" of Ukhta. Geophysicist 2th categories of commercial-geophysical party

[19.02.2007]    branch of LTD is "VNIIGAS" "SeverNIPIGAS"

Other skills:    knowledge of English,   professional domain of the personal computer (PC)

Dear employer!
I would like to offer to Your enterprise to consider my candidature as an applicant into working place.I will be very thanks to you, if my suggestion will notremain regardless.I hope on fruitful collaboration. I thank you for attention!

With kind regards Sichinava D.